I have gathered these images for a range of reasons the one to the left has a really nice painted printed technique for the illsutrations the colours are well balanced. I also like the compositions I sometimes struggle when ive produced imagery where to place it on a page!
These images have simple one line drawing and have been repeated to give a real nice surface pattern texture nice for wrapping paper.
The use of colour really atracts me to these designs I think I will try and use 2 colour printing method the proccess is cheaper and look so effective whith contrast.
Something simple done right! enough said the vibrant colours on these trees really grab your attention fun and happy feel to them!
I have put these cards up because I think this is the style I do in my notepad yet it is just simply a card easily transferable.
Moving house influence for an illustration.
Looking into different folds of cards instead of going with something simple.
Moving house inspirations
These are the cards that are in paper chase at the moment that I most find inspriring I like the use of media and line drawing. The use of shape determines shadow and form of the objects.
Quick turn around images which makes me think I am able to create lots of ranges or many and choose from the best ut of the selction.
I dont like the use of digital type on this one ruins the design the floral type does not fit in with the style of illustration and to a certain extend it just makes the image a pretty picture it wasnt designed for and specific card you can write what ever label you want on it.
More interesting shapes here and looks effective once lay next to the coloured paper.
Formt nice for notecards to sit on a desk.